culture + intergroup relations lab

© Sasha Y. Kimel
Peer-Reviewed Publications
*student co-authors
Kimel, S.Y., Bierwiaczonek, K.; Obaidi, M.; Foeman, A.; Lawton, B.; Sidanius, J.; Kunst, J.R., (In Press). Finding Your Roots: Do DNA Ancestry Tests Increase Racial (In)tolerance? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. pdf
Yeh, Y.J., Chen, J.H., Tsai, W., Kimel, S.Y. (In Press). Culture, Family Problems,
Emotion Dysregulation and Nonsuicidal Self-injury: Differences among Taiwanese and Americans'. Current Psychology.
*Rockwell, D.M. & Kimel, S.Y. (In Press). Social Class Stressors? A Systematic
Review of First-Generation College Students’ Negative Emotions. Journal of American College Health.
Yeh, Y.J., Chen, J.H., Tsai, W., Kimel, S.Y. (2022). Examining the Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Across Taiwanese and American University Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
Obadi, M., Kunst, J., Ozer, S., Kimel, S.Y. (2021). The Great Replacement Conspiracy: How the Perceived Ousting of Whites Can Evoke Violent Extremism and Islamophobia. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. pdf
Cousar, K.A.*, Carnes, N.C. & Kimel, S.Y. (2021). Morality as Fuel for Violence? Disentangling the Role of Religion in Violent Conflict. Social Cognition. pdf
Kimel, S.Y., Mischkowski, D., Miyagawa, Y., Niiya, Y. (2021). Left Out But “In Control”? Culture Variations in Feelings of Control when Excluded by a Close-Other. Social Psychological and Personality Science. pdf
Tsai, W. & Kimel, S.Y. (2020). When and How Supporting Others Can Improve Life Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study Examining Collectivistic Values.Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. pdf
Uenal, F., Bergh, R., Sidanius, J., Zick, A., Kimel, S.Y. & Kunst, J. (2020). The nature of Islamophobia: A test of a tripartite view in five countries. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. pdf
Kunst, J. R., Kimel, S.Y., Alayan, R., & Thomsen, L. (2018). Can Abraham Bring Peace? The Relationship between Acknowledging Shared Religious Roots and Intergroup Conflict. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. pdf
Kunst, J., Boos, B., Kimel S.Y., Obaidi, M, Shani, M., & Thomsen, L. (2018). Extreme activism supporting others' political struggles: The role of politically motivated out-group fusion. PLOS ONE. pdf
Kimel, S.Y., Mischkowski, D., Uchida, Y. & Kitayama, S. (2017). Culture, Emotions & The Cold Shoulder:Cultural Differences in the Anger and Sadness Response to Ostracism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. pdf
Kimel, S.Y., Huesmann, L.R., Kunst, J. & Halperin, E. (2016). Living in a Genetic World: How Learning about Interethnic Genetic Similarities and Differences Affects Peace and Conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. pdf
Featured in The Washington Post
Kimel, S.Y., Lopez-Duran, N. & Kitayama, S. (2015). Physiological Correlates of Choice-Induced Dissonance: An Exploration of HPA-Axis Responses. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 28 (4). 309-316. pdf
McDonald, M., Porat, R., Yarkoney, A., Reifen Tagar, M., Kimel, S., Saguy, T., & Halperin, E. (2015). Intergroup emotional similarity reduces dehumanization and promotes conciliatory attitudes in prolonged conflict. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(1), 125-136. pdf
Kimel, S.Y., Grossmann, I. & Kitayama, S. (2012). When Gift-giving Produces Dissonance: Effects of Subliminal Affiliation Priming on Choices for One’s Self versus Close Others. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(5), 1221-1224. pdf
Qin, J., Kimel, S.Y., Kitayama, S., Wang, X., Yang, X. & Han, S. (2011). How Choices Modify Preferences: Neural Correlates of Choice Justification. NeuroImage, 55(1). 240-246,​ pdf
Other Publications
Hudson, S. & Kimel, S.Y. (2018). New Racism. In: Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Turner B.S. (Ed); Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Kimel, S.Y. & Kunst, J. (2016). Can DNA Ancestry Testing Make You More Racist?
Scientific American.
Major Grants
2019 - 2021, PI, Understanding the Malleability of Identity: How DNA Ancestry testing impacts Mexican-Americans. National Geographic, Early Career Grant.
2008, PI, Cultural and the Neuroendocrine Response to Cognitive Dissonance. National Science Foundation, East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) Fellowship.